Covid Prevention Kit for Home

August 19, 2020

Comprehensive COVID19-Kit Designed by Doctors For Every Home


All Hospital Needs Comprehensive  Covid Home KIT contains:

  1. 15 X 3 Ply Mask  

  2. 90 tables of Shelcal + Bcomplex

  3. 1 X Gloves

  4. 1 X 500ml Hand Sanitizer

  5. 1 X Digital Finger Pulse Oximeter

  6. 1 X Covid Key with retractable String Clip-on KeyChain

  7. 1 X Digital Thermometer -

  8. 1 X Antibacterial Mouthwash and gargle 

  9.  Breathing Exercise – video link

  10.  Explanation Card 


  1. Non-woven 3ply Disposable Masks : 3 layered disposable masks for protection from inhaling Covid19 aerosol particles dispersed in air in the presence of Covid19 affected persons.To be used when going out for essential works or when outside persons visit the house.

  2. Immunity Boost Supplements: Various Studies all over the world have shown Zinc,Vit D3,Calcium, etc., are imminent for immunity against Covid19. Shelcal M Calcium, Vitamin D3, Magnesium (40mg), Elemental Manganese (1.8mg),Zinc (7.5mg),Copper (1.0mg),Elemental Boron (250mcg) + B Complex supplement Tablets.

  3. Vinyl/Latex/Rubber Gloves : Contamination from commonly used surfaces such as door handles, shopping baskets,Lift buttons,etc., is a major source of Covid19 infection,Rubber Latex gloves are easily cleanable with Disinfectant Solutions and Soap / Disposable too.

  4. 80% IPA WHO Standard Hand Sanitizer : Hand Sanitizers are highly recommended by WHO and other organizations for cleaning hands after touching potentially infected surfaces.

  5. DigitPulse Oximeter: Loss of Blood Oxygen(SPO2) and Increase in ‘Resting Heart Rate(pulse)’ are two of the most important EARLY symptoms of a Covid19 infection.Constant Monitoring of Blood Oxygen is recommended by doctors.A standard Certified PulseOximeter is a must have at home with risk group people such as aged or diabetic persons.

  6. Covid Safe Key: Wearing Gloves or Washing hands may not be possible 100% of the time. Covid Safe Key is a device that can be used to operate ATM Machines,POS card machines, Door Handles, Lift Buttons, etc., without using fingers. Easily Cleanable and comes with retracting keychain.

  7. Digital Thermometer : Increase in Body Temperature is Major Symptoms of Covid19, constant monitoring of temperature is essential for early detection

  8. Antibacterial Mouthwash and Gargle : Covid19 infections in Upper Respiratory Tract can be cleared by Gargling with Alcohol Based or Hexodine based MouthWashes regularly.

  9. Breathing Exercise: Strong Lungs and Respiratory systems are the number one requirement for fighting Covid19 infections. Lung Function and Strength can be improved by giving proper exercises to lungs.Watch video and do the same exercises regularly for strong and healthy lungs.

  10. Explanation Card: Details of All Components of the Safety Kit, their uses and instructions on how to use them.

Explanation Card:

Covid Stages:-

Doctors have divided Covid19 Infection broadly into 4 stages: 

Most patients reach only 1,2,or 3rd stage. 97-98% of the patients recover from Covid back to full health. Do not fear Covid19 and do not lose hope. Here are the 4 stages and treatments as described by doctors.

1.Stage 1 -
Covid19 infection in Nose and Nasal Cavity Passage - Recovery  time is half a day

Symptoms - Usually no fever. Asymptomatic. 

Treatment - 

  • Monitoring Pulse and SPO2 using Digital Pulse Oximeter

  • Monitoring Body Temperature using Digital Thermometer

  • Steam Inhaling (with Turmeric or Herbs if possible)  and  Multi-vitamin,Calcium,Zinc Intake

  • Clearing Nose regularly

  • Deep breathing exercise

2. Stage 2 -
Covid19 in throat(upper Respiratory Tract) - Recovery time 1 day 

Symptoms - Sore Throat, Throat irritation  

Treatment -

  • Hot Water and Hexidine gargle, Drinking Warm Water, Steam Inhaling,

  • Monitoring SPO2 Levels using Digital Pulse Oximeter

  • Monitoring Body Temperature and if increase in temperature - Paracetamol, 

  • Intake of Multi-Vitamin, Calcium, Zinc. 

  • Deep breathing exercise

  • If severe, then antibiotics or Steroids as per doctor’s advice. 

3. Stage 3 -
Covid in lungs-  Recovery time 4 to 5 days. 

Symptoms - Coughing and Breathlessness

Treatment -

  • Constant Monitoring of SPO2 and HeartRate

  • Constant Monitoring of Body Temperature and if increase in temperature - Paracetamol

  • Hot Water Gargle and Alcohol/Hexidine 

  • GargleMulti-Vitamin Tablet,

  • Oxygen cylinder if severe, 

  • Lot of liquid required, 

  • Deep breathing exercise.

4. Stage 4 - 

Stage to approach hospital:

  • Monitor the oxygen level. 

  • If it goes near 43 (normal 98-100) then you need oxygen cylinder.

  •  If available in Society then no hospital - else admit.  


General Covid19 Prevention Steps found to be very effective and as advised by Doctors:

1.Wear Mask - all the time you are out of your  Wear masks Fully - covering both Nose and Mouth especially while talking with someone or when someone near you is talking.


 Various Types of Masks: 

  1. N99/N95 masks are found to provide better protection than Surgical Masks.

  2. 3-Layer Surgical Masks have been found to be better than Cloth Masks

  3. Wear at least a Cloth mask if you cannot get N95 oo Surgical Masks.

2. Wear Gloves - Avoid using bare hands to touch common surfaces in public places or anywhere.Wear Latex, Rubber, Nitrile,Plastic or Cotton gloves while touching surfaces, and make sure you remove and clean or dispose the gloves after every use depending on your gloves type.

3.Maintain Hand Hygiene - Touching infected surfaces and touching your eyes, nose or mouth is a major way Covid19 spreads. Avoid touching surfaces maximum and avoid touching your face.Clean your hands each time after you touch surfaces and before you touch your face.

4. Maintain Oral Hygiene- As Covid19 is a SARS virus which affects respiratory system. Respiratory system starts from our mouth and nose,and extends upto lungs.Keeping our mouth and nose infection/colonization free is very important.

  1. Brush 4 times a day - At waking up and after breakfast, lunch, supper

  2. Mouthwash with Alcohol

  3. Gargle Mouth and Throat with Betadine/Hexidine if possible every two hours or after meeting someone , when you are out of your house

  4. Gargle with Hot Water and Salt after coming home every time

  5. Wash face, eyes,nose,mouth, hair, hands and legs after every time you go out and return

5. Do Lung Exercises - Try to exercise your lungs and make them strong as lungs are the organs that get worst affected by Covid19. Senior citizens, people with low immunity, lung diseases should exercise their lungs as often as possible. Avoid Smoking.

6. Maintain Healthy Body -Take Zinc, Vitamin D3, Calcium, and B-complex Supplement Tablets two times a day for 15 days and then once a day for 45 days

7. Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil if you are used to Oil Pulling , has come with an easy to buy assembled covid kit to be used on daily basis and refil packs . You can buy here