Disposable Female Urination Device

June 30, 2023

You're not the only one who would want to avoid using a public toilet at this time. Furthermore, your worries are justified: Genuine Covid-19 danger factors (opens in a new tab) include flushing toilets and airborne particles. All women want a stand up urination. 60PlusIndia has introduced a stand-up urination device, commonly known as pee funnel. Female urination funnel is a practical solution to enhance the number of locations where you can urinate safety.

Stand And Pee For Female

You won't need to strip down from the waist to urinate because the greatest stand-up urination devices are made to fit within the fly of your trousers. The urine then exits the open end of the funnel and runs into a toilet or onto the ground.

Disposable Female Urination Device

Ladies, here's a simple method for comfortable urinating in any toilet. Using the restroom is no longer a difficult process thanks to 60plusindia's disposable pee funnel for women. Women may urinate while standing in public restrooms for the first time using the female urination device, which is a disposable, portable stand. Stand and pee disposable pee funnel is composed of leak-proof, water-resistant coated paper. Women can utilize the stand and pee equipment in the convenience of a single hand grip design, making it comfortable to use.

Women who use female urination device can comfortably urinate while standing.  Best Disposable Female Urination Device allowing women to use any restroom without being concerned about uncomfortable conditions like unclean toilet seats. These pee funnel tools are ideal for maintaining personal hygiene while on the go.

Wello Stand and Pee Disposable Female Urination Device

Urine funnels, pee funnels, feminine urinary aids, and female urination devices are other names for stand-up urination devices. You will probably find articles regarding the same group of products when you Google any of these terms.

Stand-up urination device is suitable for all genders. Wello Stand and Pee Disposable Female Urination Device is a discreet, reusable, funnel-shaped female urination device for women, using which they can stand and pee in all unfriendly public toilets.