Educate 60Plus

Discover Educate 60Plus, our comprehensive training program designed specifically for senior citizens. Through our free training sessions, engaging seminars, and informative YouTube videos, we empower seniors to learn something new and stay informed. Our program covers a wide range of topics including scam awareness, legal knowledge, insurance education, and much more. By participating in these sessions, senior citizens gain valuable insights and practical knowledge to navigate the complexities of today's world. Enhance your awareness, protect yourself from scams, understand your legal rights, and make informed decisions. Join Educate 60Plus now and embark on a journey of continuous learning and empowerment.


August- How to use Google Pay- 14th


August- How to set up WhatsApp DP- 31st


Fun, Family and Meet ups for 60Plus 

Join 60Plus India to bridge the generation gap and foster intergenerational connections through thoughtfully planned activities. Our events facilitate mutual learning, understanding, and mentorship opportunities between seniors and younger generations. Additionally, our dedicated support groups provide a space for you to connect with peers who share your experiences and concerns, offering solace, advice, and emotional support. Whether you're looking to make like-minded friends, embrace new experiences, or enjoy fun-filled games with your grandchildren, we provide a platform to add excitement and meaning to your golden years


July- Green Acers- Family Fun Fest (Meetup) 29th


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Quiz (2)