Mental Health During Covid-19 Why Is It Important?

April 15, 2021

What is Mental Health?

Mental health determines how you react to a situation, your emotional & social well-being. It has its effects on all your daily routines; it helps you to cope up with the normal stress & pressure life throws at you. It affects the way you think, the way you react to your surroundings, the way you socialize, and it acts as the power for the human-robot & without which the robot is just a useless toy. As Noam Spencer says, “Mental health is not a destination, but a process. It’s about how you drive, not where you’re going”. If the process is taken care of methodically, the journey will be pleasant & the destination will be fantabulous. 


Impact of Covid-19 on Mental Health:

Here below we will see the factors that are impacting the mental health due to Covid-19.


  • Isolation:


Quarantine is the word in the English dictionary for long years, but many of us would not have heard or known that word before this pandemic struck us. A human being is defined as a ‘social animal’ and when you remove the word ‘social’ from the definition by imposing lockdowns & quarantine, the human mind is not capable to handle the stress & anxiety it creates. Isolating an individual from the rest of the world creates voidness in the mind & as they say “Empty mind is devil’s workshop”; Both frustration and pervasive loneliness seem to derive from the inhibition from daily activities, interruption of social necessities, inability to take part in social networking activities enhancing the risk of hopelessness and suicidal behavior in this specific context. it creates all sorts of negativity which may breed suicidal ideation in the mind. As shown below, this is a vicious circle in which an individual is caught.



  • Bereavement:


Death leaves a heartache no one can heal; love leaves a memory no one can steal. There is no loss heavier in the world than the loss of loved ones. This pandemic has pushed many of us to face this unsolicited situation. The impact it creates on mental health is devastating & this is an individual battle every person must go through without much support from outside; only time will help to heal & the challenge is to provide that time for the mind to heal itself. 


  • Impact on Income:


This pandemic has affected not only the individuals, but it also had an impact on the corporates as well & they react to this challenge by cost-cutting methods of laying off employees or cutting the salary or bonuses. This loss of income on individuals has affected them mentally as they fear about their future & in some cases even it is grim to bring food to the table. 


  • Anxiety or Depressive disorder:


The pandemic has brought in the uncertainty of the future. When we have an incessant fear on “Whether I will get infected by Covid”, “What will happen to my job & income”, “What will happen to my dear & loved ones”, these feelings will create anxiety or depressive disorder which may cause other negative impacts on the mental side of the individual. 


  • Stigmatization:


Social stigma is discrimination against a particular group of people or an individual. When an individual gets affected by covid-19 & gets treated for the same by quarantining & other measures and comes out of the disease will be seen as a threat to the others in the neighborhood. This Stigma associated with Covid-19 is perceived because of the following factors:


  • It is a new disease for which lots of things are unknown.

  • People are often afraid of the unknown.

  • There is confusion, anxiety, and fear among the public leading to a negative attitude.


This Stigma can:


  • Prevents individual from asking for help from government or health care department which will make the others in the neighborhood know about the disease. 

  • This will make individuals hide the illness to avoid discrimination. 


These factors will only make the conditions worse for the individual & his surroundings. A person going through these partialities will definitely have its toll on the mental health of the individual. 


  • ASpecific & Uncontrolled Fears:


This is the most common psychological reaction to pandemics. Those who exposed to the infection will develop fears about their health, worries to infect the near & dear ones. These uncontrolled fears & worries will create a lot of stress & depression which will again have its adverse impact on mental health. 


  • Insufficient Supplies & Information:


Pandemic has created barriers in the supply chain & there are hindrances even to transport the daily necessities which have shifted the equilibrium towards more demand for the necessities than its supply. When an individual does not get the basic rations to run his life, it will create a sense of panic & frustration in the mind.


Inadequate information from public health authorities may be a significant stressor because it provides inappropriate guidelines concerning the call for actions or leads to confusion about the purpose of quarantine or the importance of measures needed to interrupt the pandemic spread 

The above seen are the few important factors that affect mental health due to this pandemic & there are a lot more to ponder about. As we have seen what impacts the mental health during this pandemic now, we will also see how & why it is important to maintain good mental health to overcome this pandemic. 


Ways to Cope up with Stress caused by Pandemic:

  • Take breaks – Take breaks from watching, hearing & social media about the pandemic. Avoiding these completely may not be possible in this digital world, but one should at least try & limit the time spent on these. This disconnection from the world about the pandemic will help the mind to relax and reduce stress & anxiety.


  • Take care of your body – Practice meditation, prepare a daily routine which should include good amount of time for exercise, sleep & meditation. 


  • Spend time with your loved ones – This pandemic has created an environment wherein you can spend more time with your loved & dear ones which will help you to cope up with the stress. 


  • Make time to unwind – This has also given you an opportunity to know your potential. An individual can spend some time learning new things & explore some unchartered territories in his life. 


Importance of Mental Health:

  • Resilience – Phycological resilience is defined as your ability to cope up with well-being or after going through some stressful condition like this pandemic. One should have a strong mind to have this kind of resilience which will help them to cope up with the pandemic.


  • Mental health influences the way individuals look at themselves, their lives, and others in their lives. Having a strong & healthy mind helps you in managing these aspects of life.


  • Metal disorders will affect everything an individual is involved. Right from eating sensibly, good sleep, adequate exercise, abusive use of tobacco & alcohol, etc. Hence having good mental health is paramount to safeguard from these facets of life. 


  • Physical & mental health go hand in hand. Studies reveal that depression leads to heart & vascular diseases & it's important to take care the mental health. 


  • Decision Making – Poor mental health affects the capability of the individual in decision-making. They cannot think rationally & take decisions. 


  • Poor mental health also affects the functioning of the body’s immune system which again makes them vulnerable in the pandemic. 


Its ok to be not ok:

Any human thought can be expressed in words & whatever that can be expressed in words should be manageable by humans. When we share the problems, it becomes less overwhelming, less to worry about. In these tough times, “it's ok to be not ok”, call for help and you will get it. The beginning of health is to know the disease; once it is known & when the individual has accepted it, positive energy in the universe will help you to overcome all these problems.   


Human beings as a social animal have seen many more tough times in this world. We have gone through many pandemics even before when there is no advancement in science & technology. We have gone through various floods & famines, world wars, etc. and this pandemic cannot intimidate us. Having said that, we have a tough situation in front of us & it deserves its due respect. Follow the hygiene rules & regulations imposed by your local authorities, give more importance to personal hygiene, and together we can succeed in defeating this pandemic!! Stay Strong both mentally & physically!!

Check out our home health care services for the elderly and book an appointment for your medical needs. Our home doctor visits will help the elderly to void hospital visits during the pandemic.

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